【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-5-30)

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    【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-5-30)

    发布日期:2025-01-04 12:18    点击次数:66
    转自:外交部发言人办公室​​2024年5月30日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on May 30, 2024总台华语环球节目中心记者:日前,昆明生物多样性基金合作协议签字仪式在北京举行,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理丁薛祥出席。出席签字仪式的联合国副秘书长、环境规划署执行主任安诺生表示,昆明生物多样性基金的启动,是中国对全球发展中国家作出的巨大贡献,体现了对发展中国家保护和恢复生物多样性的支持。发言人对此有何评论?CCTV: The Signing Ceremony of Kunming Biodiversity Fund was held in Beijing. Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Ding Xuexiang attended the event. Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Inger Andersen, who also attended the ceremony, said that the launch of the fund is a tremendous contribution China has made to developing countries, as it shows support for developing countries in biodiversity conservation and restoration. What is your comment?毛宁:中国政府高度重视生物多样性保护,致力于携手各国构建地球生命共同体。率先出资15亿人民币成立昆明生物多样性基金,是习近平主席在《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)上作出的重大宣示。28日上午,中方同联合国环境规划署、联合国多边信托基金办公室共同签署有关合作协议,正式启动昆明基金。基金将坚持多边主义和国际化运作,以无偿援助为主要方式,聚焦生物多样性保护、可持续利用和惠益共享三大公约目标,支持发展中国家生物多样性保护事业,为落实“昆明—蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”作出积极贡献。Mao Ning: The Chinese government attaches great importance to biodiversity conservation, and is committed to working with all countries to build a community of all life on Earth. China has taken the lead to invest RMB 1.5 billion for the founding of the Fund, just as it was announced by President Xi Jinping at COP15. On the morning of May 28, China, the United Nations Environment Programme and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office together signed cooperation agreements to officially launch the Fund. The Fund will stick to the approach of multilateralism and internationalized operation, work primarily through providing grants, and focus on the three major goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, namely, conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of the components of biodiversity, and fair and equitable sharing of benefits, so as to support biodiversity conservation in developing countries and contribute to the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.中方愿同国际社会一道,以昆明基金启动为契机,深化生物多样性保护国际合作,增强全球合力,共建人与自然和谐共生的美好未来。China is ready to work with the international community and, through the Fund, deepen international cooperation and build global synergy on biodiversity conservation, so as to create a better future of harmony between humanity and nature. 法新社记者:美国司法部昨天宣布摧毁一个全球恶意软件网络,逮捕了一名中国公民。请问外交部是否了解此案,能否提供更多细节?AFP: The US Justice Department announced yesterday that it has dismantled a global malware network and arrested a Chinese national. Does the Chinese side know about the case? Can you share more details?毛宁:我不了解具体情况。我可以告诉你的是,中方一贯坚决反对并打击一切网络犯罪行为。Mao Ning: I do not have details about the case. What I can tell you is that China firmly opposes and fights against all cyber crimes.路透社记者:今日俄罗斯通讯社援引俄外长拉夫罗夫的话称,中国可以安排一场俄乌双方都参加的国际和会。中国是否愿举行此类会议?如果是,将在何时举行,邀请谁与会?Reuters: RIA News Agency cited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that China could arrange a peace conference in which Russia and Ukraine would participate. Would China arrange such a conference? If so, when and what other parties would China invite?毛宁:在乌克兰问题上,中方始终秉持客观公正立场,坚持劝和促谈。习近平主席提出的“四个应该”是中方推动政治解决乌克兰危机的根本遵循。我们鼓励和支持一切有利于和平解决危机的努力,支持适时召开俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案公平讨论的国际和会。我们愿继续就推动政治解决危机同国际社会保持沟通。Mao Ning: On the Ukraine issue, China has always upheld a just and objective position and worked hard to promote talks for peace. The four principles laid out by President Xi Jinping form China’s fundamental approach in seeking a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. We encourage and support all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful resolution of the crisis, and support an international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans. China stands ready to maintain communication with the international community on pushing for the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.法新社记者:关于巴以冲突,习近平主席今天表示,中方支持召开更大规模、更具权威、更有实效的国际和会。请问中方希望这次和会在哪里、什么条件下举行?AFP: On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, President Xi Jinping said today that China supports a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference. Where and under what conditions does China hope this peace conference to be held?毛宁:习近平主席今天在中阿合作论坛第十届部长级会议开幕式上的主旨讲话已全文发表,你可以查阅。Mao Ning: The full text of President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum today has been released, which you may refer to.习近平主席在讲话中就巴以冲突阐明了中方立场,强调战争不能再无限继续,正义也不能永久缺席,“两国方案”更不能任意动摇。中方支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国,支持召开更大规模、更具权威、更有实效的国际和会。这是中方最权威的立场。关于国际和会,我目前没有更多信息可以提供。President Xi Jinping stated in the speech China’s position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He stressed that war should not continue indefinitely, justice should not be absent forever, and commitment to the two-State solution should not be wavered at will. China supports Palestine’s full membership in the UN, and supports a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference. This is China’s most authoritative position. On the international peace conference, I don’t have more to add.韩联社记者:朝鲜今日发射了十几枚疑似短程弹道导弹的飞行器。联合国秘书长谴责称,朝鲜27日发射侦察卫星违反了安理会有关禁止使用弹道导弹技术进行发射活动的决议。对于朝鲜27日发射军事侦察卫星和今天发射弹道导弹,中方的立场是什么?Yonhap News Agency: The DPRK today fired over 10 projectiles that appeared to be short-range ballistic missiles. The UN Secretary-General condemned the DPRK’s attempted launch of a reconnaissance satellite on May 27, saying any launch using ballistic missile technology is contrary to the relevant Security Council resolutions. What is China’s position on the DPRK’s launch of a satellite on May 27 and the launch of ballistic missiles today?毛宁:中方注意到有关报道。关于半岛问题,中方的立场是一贯的。我没有新的评论。Mao Ning: China noted the reports. China’s position on the Korean Peninsula issue is consistent. I have nothing new to add.深圳卫视记者:第四次小岛屿发展中国家国际会议日前在安提瓜和巴布达举行,中国代表团出席了此次会议。请问中方如何评价此次会议?Shenzhen TV: The fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States was just held in Antigua and Barbuda. China sent a delegation to the conference. How do you comment on the event?​毛宁:小岛屿发展中国家国际会议是联合国框架下促进小岛国发展的最重要国际会议,每十年举行一次。作为国际大家庭中的特殊成员,小岛国经济社会发展取得长足进步,同时也面临自然灾害频发、经济结构单一等挑战。本次会议围绕“探索迈向有韧性的繁荣”主题展开深入讨论,发出了维护多边主义、坚持团结自强、谋求共同发展的时代强音。会议成果文件《安巴议程》将成为今后十年国际社会支持小岛国发展的行动纲领,具有重要意义。Mao Ning: The decennial International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is the most important international conference under the framework of the UN for advancing the development of SIDS. As special members of the big family of world nations, SIDS have achieved remarkable progress in economic and social development, while facing challenges such as frequent natural disasters and lack of economic diversification. In-depth discussions at this year’s conference focused on the theme of “Charting the Course Toward Resilient Prosperity,” and sent a strong message of upholding multilateralism, seeking strength through unity and pursuing common development. The outcome document, the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, is of vital importance, as it will serve as the platform of action for the international community in supporting the development of SIDS in the next ten years.中国政府代表、外交部副部长马朝旭与会并发言,提出中方四点主张:一是坚持多边主义,支持小岛国平等参与全球治理;二是坚持发展优先,支持小岛国落实好联合国2030年可持续发展议程;三是坚持团结合作,支持小岛国应对气候变化;四是坚持创新引领,支持小岛国增强自主发展能力。马朝旭副部长强调,中国始终将小岛国作为重要发展伙伴,积极为小岛国发展提供力所能及的帮助,在“一带一路”合作及全球发展倡议等框架下搭建多个合作平台,促进中国同小岛国的务实合作,为当地人民带来实实在在的福祉。Representative of the Chinese government and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu attended and addressed the conference. He put forward China’s four-point proposition: first, uphold multilateralism and support SIDS’s equal participation in global governance; second, put development first and support SIDS in implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; third, uphold solidarity and cooperation, and support SIDS’s response to climate change; and fourth, encourage innovation and support SIDS in strengthening the ability of self-driven development. Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu stressed that China always views SIDS as important development partners. We have worked actively to assist the development of SIDS to the best of our capability, set up several cooperation platforms under the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and so on, and deepened practical cooperation with SIDS, delivering tangible benefit to the local people.中方愿同各方一道,积极落实《安巴议程》,回应小岛国人民的迫切需要,全力支持小岛国迈向更具韧性的持久繁荣,携手构建人类命运共同体。China stands ready to work with all parties to actively implement the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, respond to the urgent needs of the people of SIDS, fully support SIDS in moving toward more resilient and lasting prosperity, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.东方卫视记者:香港“串谋颠覆国家政权罪案”于今天进行裁决,个别西方国家对裁决结果说三道四,中方有何评论?Dragon TV: A court in Hong Kong today issued the verdict on the case of conspiring to commit subversion. Certain Western country pointed fingers at the ruling. What is China’s comment?毛宁:香港是法治社会,有法必依、违法必究是基本原则,任何人都不能打着“民主”的旗号从事违法活动并企图逃脱法律制裁。中央政府坚定支持香港特区执法和司法机关依法履职尽责、惩治各类危害国家安全的行为,坚决反对个别国家借有关司法个案干涉中国内政、抹黑和破坏香港法治。Mao Ning: Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law. To abide by the law and bring lawbreakers to justice is a basic principle. No one should be allowed to use “democracy” as a pretext to engage in unlawful activities and escape justice. The Central Government firmly supports the law enforcement and judicial authorities in the Hong Kong SAR in carrying out their duties in accordance with the law and punishing all acts that undermine national security, and firmly opposes certain country’s interference in China’s internal affairs and attempt to smear and undermine Hong Kong’s rule of law by using relevant case.路透社记者:据路透社报道,欧盟委员会将把对华电动汽车加征关税的决定推迟至6月9日欧洲议会选举之后。外交部对此有何回应?Reuters: The European Commission will postpone its decision on Chinese electric vehicle tariffs until after the European Parliament election on June 9, according to a Reuters report. Does the Ministry have a response to this?毛宁:关于欧盟对中国电动汽车发起反补贴调查,中方已多次阐明立场。这起反补贴调查的实质是贸易保护主义。欧方在调查中存在许多不合理、不合规的做法,指控的所谓中国“补贴”项目也根本站不住脚。 Mao Ning: China has stated its position multiple times on the EU’s anti-subsidy investigation into the imports of EVs from China. Let me just say that the nature of the investigation is protectionist. There are many practices in the investigation that are simply unjustifiable and inconsistent with the rules and the EU’s accusation of China’s so-called subsidization is untenable. ​中方敦促欧方尽快终止调查,避免损害中欧经贸合作及产业链供应链稳定。如果欧方一意孤行,中方绝不会坐视不管,将采取一切必要措施坚决维护自身合法权益。China urges the EU to stop the investigation as soon as possible so as not to disrupt China-EU economic and trade cooperation and the stability of industrial and supply chains. If the EU insists on continuing with the investigation, China will not sit back and watch. We will take every necessary measure to firmly safeguard our lawful rights and interests.
